in Blog, Forklift Safety

Forklift Certification: Making Safety the First Priority

First-rate safety training is a vital aspect of forklift certification. Accidents occur for many reasons, but careful instruction, sufficient practice, and alert driving reduce the risks. It is important not to rush or skimp on daily inspections of your equipment since a malfunction can be prevented by early detection of a potential problem. Older machines […]

in Blog, Forklift Safety

When Your Forklift is Happy, So Are You

You give yourself a gift when you earn a forklift certification course. Each time you approach your vehicle, you should conduct an inspection. Much of the routine is like that of caring for an automobile. Start by checking the oil, radiator fluid, and fuel levels. Then take a look at the battery plug and wheels. […]

in Blog, Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety First: Be On the Lookout for These

The main reason for the federal requirement regarding forklift certification is the safety of the driver and all those within the area of operation. With about 100,000 heavy machinery accidents recorded annually, precautions can be an important step to reducing that number. Look out for falling objects. Make certain the fork has been properly adjusted […]

in Blog, Forklift Safety

Protecting yourself while operating a forklift: three things you must do

Safety when operating a forklift must always be a priority. Although its operation is somewhat different than a car, driving risks are basically the same. You want to be sure that you and others are protected from mishaps. There are still large numbers of accidents reported every year where heavy machinery has been involved. Some […]

in Blog, Forklift Safety

Drive Safely: Tips for you this Winter season

While operating a forklift there are many things to take into consideration. Weather can impact the driver in many ways, but there are some tips to help keep you safe this winter while operating your forklift. Follow these tips and you are sure to stay warm and focused while in the driver’s seat.

in Blog, Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety

Most forklift accidents are easy to prevent but it means that a business must provide training and monitoring.  Follow these safety tips to avoid unnecessary accidents and injuries : Inspect the vehicle daily to ensure all parts are functioning properly. Monitor the direction in which you are heading. When turning, stop and look before moving. When working […]