The level of maintenance a forklift receives is a crucial factor in its performance and longevity. Forklifts are among the most rugged and reliable of machines and are designed to operate in tough conditions. However, forklifts need to be regularly serviced; there is no substitute for good maintenance. It ensures forklifts can perform at optimum levels; it can detect and rectify minor problems before they affect productivity, and will prolong a forklifts’ life.

in Blog, Forklift Accidents, Forklift Maintenance, Forklift Operation, Forklift Safety, Forklift Training

Why Does OSHA Require Forklift Certification in Atlanta, Georgia?

It is no secret that OSHA won’t hesitate to fine an Atlanta, Georgia, company for failing to comply with their laws, but the question is why? More specifically, why does the Administration require that you obtain forklift certification if you want to drive a forklift in Atlanta or the surrounding areas? Let’s examine the reasons. […]

in Blog, Forklift Accidents, Forklift Maintenance, Forklift Operation, Forklift Safety, Forklift Training

Nashville and Surrounding Areas – Tennessee Forklift Training

Tennessee has numerous opportunities for forklift drivers. Industries you could find work include home improvement stores, warehouses, recycling and distribution centers. If you desire a position in one of these areas, you must be at least 18 years of age and be certified. Your chances will greatly improve should you acquire certification before applying for […]

in Blog, Forklift Accidents, Forklift Maintenance, Forklift Safety

Forklift Accident and the Importance of Safety and Maintenance

Several years ago a forklift accident in a warehouse setting left one casualty. The employee had his legs trapped under a steel beam that had fallen from a lift. Emergency crews had to use a crane to lift the beam off of the employee. Though the man was rushed to a nearby hospital, he later […]

in Blog, Forklift Maintenance, Forklift Safety, Forklift Training

How To Do Load Testing on a Forklift

Load testing your unit is required by OSHA each year and after major repairs in order to avoid unnecessary accidents, injuries, and deaths. There are certain steps that should be followed before beginning load testing. The first thing you should do is test the brakes without a load and limiting safety equipment and features. This […]

in Blog, Forklift Maintenance

Daily Forklift Maintenance

There are many businesses that require a forklift for daily operations. If your business requires moving heavy materials, then most likely you will be using one of these vehicles. Various types of FLs are available for different situations, such as diesel, gas or electric. It doesn’t matter what type of machine you are using, or […]