The blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.

in Blog, Forklift Operation

Where to find forklift games

So you love driving forklift certification, right? Why not play the games too? There are bunches to choose from with many different levels and layouts. This can be very appealing to those who love their job and want to have a little added forklift fun when they are not behind the wheel.

in Blog, Forklift License, Forklift Training

How forklift certification can change your life

Are you thinking about becoming licensed to operate heavy machinery? Forklift certification is a simple way to get life-changing results. You have surely watched this equipment moving cartons and crates in shipyards, parking lots, and warehouses with considerable ease. Superstores and other industries rely on these machines to regulate inventory. If you have been considering […]

in Blog, Forklift Safety

This is why safety is key

If you are wondering about the potential dangers involved with operating a forklift, then look no further. This article describes why it is important to take measures to prevent injury as well as the types of injuries that frequently occur.  This is yet another reason why it is so important to follow OSHA guidelines while […]

in Blog, Forklift License, Forklift Training

What will forklift certification mean to you?

Forklift certification is mandatory if you will be operating an industrial truck. It is a government requirement. However, it is simple to obtain your accreditation and it can open new employment opportunities for you. Consider all the locations that use these machines. They are an indispensable aspect of so many businesses since this equipment is […]

in Blog, Forklift License, Forklift Training

5 states that need forklift operators

While businesses all over the United States utilize forklift operators, here is a small sampling of some of the places currently seeking those who are licensed for this ability: A Wisconsin warehouse is requesting applications for someone to drive a lift. A Pennsylvania flooring manufacturer has an opening for an employee to use heavy machinery. […]

in Blog, Forklift Operation

Refer to a checklist so you can stay organized

Here is a great guide for beginners It helps to get yourself organized before you begin work so you never forget how to operate your forklift certifications in an efficient manner.  It can also help to ensure that you do not forget important steps in your daily routine of operating your vehicle.

in Blog, Forklift License, Forklift Training

Taking the test: a crash course on what to expect

Are you putting off getting your forklift certification because you don’t like taking a test? Perhaps the specter of exam memories from school days looms over you. You are in good company since many people become anxious when faced with the challenge of earning good marks. Here is the incredible great news: there is no […]

in Blog, Forklift Safety

OSHA: A quick, yet helpful reference

Operating a forklift requires skill and proper OSHA training along with certification credentials. Be sure to know the state requirements where you live and other pertinent information related to operating a forklift. You can read more by visiting  By knowing the regulations where you reside, you can be better informed in making a career […]

in Blog, Forklift License, Forklift Training

3 reasons to move out of your parents’ house and get certified

Have you ever thought how wonderful it would be to live in your own place? So much is dependent on finances, and forklift certification can increase your prospects. If you have a solid income, you can have your own residence and your privacy. It is often difficult for adults of different generations to be in […]

in Blog, Forklift Accidents, Forklift Safety

This device can save you from having an accident

There is now a device called Body Guard that can help reduce the risk of a collision either forklift certifications vehicle to vehicle or vehicle to person. This device works similarly to the devices that are installed in many vehicles today by alerting the driver when there is an object or a person in too […]