Wisconsin Forklift Certification - Forklift Requirements for Alabama

Are You an Experienced Forklift Operator Working in West Wisconsin?

OSHA requires all forklift drivers in Wisconsin to be certified every 3 years. Starting at just $38 - and in as little as one hour of you can complete the traing required in WI. Best of all the certification not only covers you in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay and all other cities in Wisconsin but also in the rest of the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

All training takes place online from your home, the office or any other location with a computer and internet access. We give you a simple to follow online class which covers everything you need to know to pass the test. Next you can take the practice test before you takeing your final test. Don't sweat the final real test because all that is required is you get a 70 on the test and there are only 12 questions - and if you don't pass you can take it as many times as you need till you do.

Once you've passed the test you are taken directly to a page where you can create and print your personalized and official Forklift Certification Certificate. Next - submit your request for your Forklift Certification License Card that will be mailed directly to you in WI or any address in the U.S., Canada or Mexico.

Don't Wait - sign up now and Get Certified TODAY!

  Silver Gold Platinum
Instant Access True True True
Easy to follow Forklift Operator Course True True True
Access from any computer True True True
Always open 24/7 True True True
Study when It's Best for You True True True
Complete OSHA Compliance True True True
Daily Inspection Checklist True True True
Online Test True True True
Wallet Card True True True
Instant-Print Completion Certificate False True True
Verify Your Card Number Online False False True
Hard Hat Certification Sticker False False True
Price $38 $48 $58 $48




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